Summer is only a few weeks old, but since we have embarked upon an election already seems to be too long. The conventions will be next month and promise to be hot and windy. This election has been going on and on ever since November of 2004. The Democrats have not been satisfied with holding sway in The House and Senate. They want the whole enchilada. Believe me, I'm afraid for any one party to be in charge of everything... where will our system of checks and balances be?
In our house, we are steadfast Republicans, but are not enamoured with Sen. McCain and his policies. How can anyone think we should not drill for oil on a few acres in ANWR? Why does he buy into Al Gore's the sky is falling gloom and doom crap about global warming? Oh, I believe in recycling and being conscious in our use of nature's gifts, but for every scientist he produces to claim impending catastrophe ... there is another one refuting the claims. Why are the lawmakers going along with the light bulb stuff? The new and improved mercury bulbs have long and tedious processes for cleaning up a broken bulb involving Hazmat Teams. Someone must be kidding me!
I don't see much difference between the two candidates, except that Obama has little or no experience in foreign affairs. Both candidates are centrists at this moment, but watch how fast they lean to the left ... giving us a choice between higher taxes and highest taxes.
Okay, that was summer and now it is late October. We have nine days until the election. McCain has modified his positions slightly and nominated Sarah Palin as his runningmate. She is the conservative we have been longing to see, but the media has decided to band together to kill her popularity. Obama has chosen Biden as his running mate and he is busily saying things that require a whole cadre of handlers to retract and tone down his mouth.
Obama himself has taken to the airwaves with comments worthy of Karl Marx. I am left wondering where he is getting all the money for his candidacy? How many little Democrats does it take to make a hundred million dollars? One? Like in George Soros? Why are ACORN activists roaming all over the country registering people from adjoining states, street people and convicts in local jails? Everything is so different from the day in 1960, when I had to drive to my county seat and provide a birth certificate to my Board of Elections, to enable me to cast my first presidential vote. I was so, I am just plain scared. If we have a one party Congress, Senate, President and most of the Supreme Court, bills will be passed and we will have no say in the new policies. Can you say Socialists? My big worry is that the husband and I will not live long enough to see if our children and grandchildren will be alright or will they be living in the world of "Dr. Zhivago"?